Building Bright Minds: Top Physical Toys to Teach Kids Coding Skills

In a world increasingly dominated by technology, teaching kids coding skills has become a priority for many parents and educators. While there are countless digital resources and online platforms dedicated to coding education, incorporating physical toys into the learning process can make the experience more tangible and engaging for young minds. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the recommended physical toys that effectively introduce kids to the fundamentals of coding, fostering creativity, problem-solving, and logical thinking.

Osmo - Coding Awbie

Osmo’s Coding Awbie is an interactive game that seamlessly combines physical blocks with digital learning. Through the use of colorful blocks, children can create sequences of commands that guide the on-screen character, Awbie, through an adventure. This hands-on approach allows kids to grasp coding concepts like algorithms and loops in a playful and intuitive manner.

Botley 2.0 - The Coding Robot

Botley 2.0 is a coding robot designed to introduce young learners to programming without the need for screens. With its easy-to-use remote control, kids can program Botley to navigate paths, avoid obstacles, and complete various challenges. This physical coding experience encourages children to think critically and strategically while having fun with a friendly robot companion.

LEGO Boost Creative Toolbox

LEGO Boost is a versatile building set that not only enhances children’s construction skills but also introduces them to basic coding principles. The set includes motors and sensors that can be programmed using a visual coding interface. Kids can bring their creations to life by coding actions and behaviors, providing an exciting introduction to robotics and coding logic.


Cubetto is a screen-free, wooden robot designed for preschoolers to learn the basics of programming. Using a simple control board and coding blocks, kids can guide Cubetto through various adventures. This tactile and hands-on experience helps children understand the connection between physical actions and programming commands, laying a strong foundation for future coding endeavors.

Sphero SPRK+

Sphero SPRK+ is a programmable robotic ball that combines physical play with coding education. With the Sphero Edu app, kids can create programs to control the ball’s movement, colors, and sounds. This interactive experience not only teaches coding concepts but also sparks creativity and innovation as kids experiment with different programming sequences.

Conclusion: Incorporating physical toys into coding education for kids provides a valuable balance between screen time and hands-on learning. These toys not only teach coding concepts but also promote creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. By making coding an enjoyable and tangible experience, parents and educators can inspire the next generation of tech-savvy innovators and problem solvers. So, let the coding adventures begin!